Tuesday, December 25, 2007

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my husband; Shaun #38!!


Shaun and Holly said...

Shaun gave me some fun new computer equipment...it's a "pad" and has a "pen" and you paint with it. Crazy!!
I will make a post on it later and give more details. This is a picture that Shaun and I worked on together.
(We had fun!);o)

Jen said...

Are these 2 paintings done with your new equipment?....very Cool

Shaun and Holly said...

Yes. The best part is there isn't any MESS! ;o) I will show your kid's how to use it the next time you are all over. It is really neat...for adults too! It is called a "tablet", I am told. It was at Shaun's "Old" office, and no one was using it as it was for an older computer. Well, we have an older computer...so they gave it to Shaun! He kept it a secret and then gave it to me in my Christmas stocking.

Rhonda said...

Ohhh, I like it. Very pretty!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday Shaun!!
Bless you in your new job!