Our Son is a University Student...
...well....he is for 3 days!
There is an enrichment studies unit called the SEEDS Program. Seeds stands for: Seven, Eight, Enrichment, Studies. SEEDS is for students in grade 7 and 8 who are within commuting distance of Queen’s University. Students attending this program study one track of courses over their three-day visit. Participants are given the opportunity to experience the fun of interactive learning while exploring a new subject area.
Josiah will be busing to Queens Univ. over the next 3 days and taking classes in Sociology. He is very excited for this opportunity and we are thankful that his Grandparents helped pay (thanks Granny and Grampa) for his fee!
It will be interesting to hear what a 13 year old boy thinks of University life!
Have Fun Josiah
Looking forward to hearing all about it.
Congratulations Josiah!! That is such an honour to be chosen.
My son did that as well, when he was in grade seven. He loved it!
Enjoy yourself!!!
Thanks Girls! Yes, we are proud of him for sure!!
Hope the weather didn't cause any hitches for Josiah's adventure...what a great experience for him.
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