Trouble and Suffering
Just finished up watching a 4 part video series by Louie Giglio. He is a speaker that travels with artists such as Chris Tomlin and the David Crowder band. He is the founder of Passion Ministries. He speaks mostly to Collage and University Students.
I wanted to quote him on the topic of trouble or suffering:
"When life hurts most, the world listens most intently to our message, allowing us to broadcast through our pain, the goodness of the One who loves us the most."
Louie Giglio
The people that I respect the most have not have fairy tale perfect lives. They have lived though some hellish things like bankruptcy, being abused as a child, cancer, raising a special needs child, tragic divorce, loosing loved ones to suicide...and the list goes on. BUT. They have sent a message to us all that even though the dark night, they had hope in God and that yes, God was STILL good! It means a lot coming from them. I wish that being a Christian meant a life free of suffering but actually what the bible says is quite the opposite. It says that trouble WILL come.
Should we embrace "trouble"? NO WAY! But...we can be ready for it.
When it comes our suffering will be what allows our megaphone to be the loudest for everyone to hear.
Suffering is a megaphone that shows what is in our hearts.
Ever think about Jesus? I mean he healed the sick, turned water into wine, raised people from the dead. Yet the most powerful and most meaningful thing that he did was to suffer and die on the cross. He knows what it is like to be hurting. When we are in pain He ushers us into His embrace like a Mother Hen with her little Chicks and He loves us. Oh how He loves us!
What a wonderful and truthful quote.
I have not enjoyed the suffering. I have been stretched beyond what I have felt capable.
I would not trade it. I am a much better person and much closer to my God because of it.
Oh Rhonda,
How I agree! Do I enjoy suffering? No, I hate it! Do I wish it on anyone? No way!
"Suffering is a megaphone that shows what is in our hearts."
I love that. It's so true, and can sometimes be really scary. The good thing is that God will use it to our benefit, no matter how ugly or desperate we feel at the time. It still gives me a bit of an *ouch* feeling though ;) Constant growth!
Something I say a lot, especially when I look back on my life..and have told others who have asked:
"I wouldn't want to relive a lot of things, or wish them on any one, but I also don't think I would change them...I am who I am because of and through all of it...the good and the bad"
All the at the enemy intends to destroy us with, God will use for our good..we just have to let him!
I have learned that through the suffering and pain comes a little more wisdom. He teaches us constantly with His love.
Praising Him always through the storms and the blessings in life.
I haven't liked the suffering... but also realize that it's taken off some of my rough edges and softened my heart!
A great post. Suffering apparently likes to be a companion of mine, and my greatest teacher.
Great post!
Wow...I just posted a blog with hints of our recent 'suffering'..and then I surf by and read this! Crazy!!
God is so so good.
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