Friday, April 27, 2007


(I am taking a blogging break for the weekend. So I wanted to get my Gratitude post written tonight.)

I am thankful for the OCEAN.

I love, love, love, love the ocean.

I love the sound of the waves crashing.

I love the smell of fresh air and salt.

I love the colour...oh so dark blue or some
green, depending on the day.

Cool to the touch, but
always so refreshing.

*image found here*


Tamar said...

I Love the Ocean from England....
I've never seen it from Canada....But I really want to!

Jen said...

The ocean, what I wouldn't give to be there right now.
Preferably Lawrence Town mom's thinking and praying spot, in Nova Scotia.
Sitting on a huge rock covered with barnacles, smelling that salty goodness, hearing the crashing of the waves, and the call of the seagulls. Looking out to the horizon to see if I can sight a ship heading into the harbor...
Sorry, got lost for a moment there....
I am with you Holly...LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!

Nana Cheryl said...

Love the Ocean (of course!!!) and love this picture - you always have cool pics. :o) Have agreat weekend!!

Amy said...

I absolutely love the ocean. love it!!!!

Shari said...

One of my passions is the ocean. We spent a week at Rushton's Beach. N.S. Each morning I would sit on the rocks to read and pray while watching the seals. While the kids were swimming one day the seals swam along side of them (within 10 ft)....oh to be there again soon!

Rhonda said...

Thank you for starting this Gratitude Saturday Holly. It's been great for me to stop and reflect on things I'm thankful for. Some Saturdays it's been harder than others and those are the weeks that I need do it most.

I'm grateful for Holly initiating Gratitude Saturday within our group!!

Shari said...

I "amen" Rhonda's comment. I have posted my first "Too Blessed" (my version of "Gratitue Saturday") - and will continue on a weekly basis.

Holly, you inspire us in MANY ways!


Shaun and Holly said...
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Roxanne said...

I've just learned that Holly started Gratitude Saturday. You are one smart girl!

Anonymous said...

Yah, Holly's the creative thinker of the bunch!! Always something happy and doodlerish!