Friday, May 18, 2007


I am thankful! Earlier this week, my friend Teena cleaned out her garden and gave me some of her overflow. I have Hostas (enough to share...just let me know if you want some), Periwinkle, and various other ground covers.

This afternoon, my neighbor came over to look at my garden. Judy is retired and her husband works part time as a Barber. Judy is VERY passionate about gardening. She has turned her husbands basement workshop into a greenhouse so she can start growing from seed in the winter time. She was telling me that she grew 30 geraniums! Wow!

Judy gave me some of her plants that she has been growing under the special lights in her basement. She gave me a Rose of Sharon (bush that flowers...could be white...could be pink), Yellow Prim Rose and a Purple (or white...she couldn't remember) Cone Flower.

I am so thankful!


Jen said...

Holly Green Thumb

The world needs Holly's and Judy's to make up for the Jennys who try really hard, but send more plants to their grave than I care to tell.

Mind you Mark doesn't mind telling one bit!

Roxanne said...

Sounds like your yard is amazing!

Amy said...

Awesome!! My friend Teena gave me some hostas too!

Tamar said...

I so want to garden this Year....I just have been so burnt out that it seems more of a huge task than the Joy I would like it to be.
I may ask to share hostas or things if I can get to You in time.(before they are all gone!)
Have to check out your garden soon....I know what an inspirational green Thumb You are!

Praise and Coffee said...

I love flower gardens- spent most of the day working on a new one yesterday!
Have fun!

Amy said...

Hey Holly.
My due date is July 22..but if she's anything like her brother and sister, you can count on her anytime after July 6. Both Hannah and Isaiah came early...

Hope all is well...enjoy the sunshine!!

Williams Family Blog said...

Hi Holly,

Say, what colour are those Hostas? I have a bunch of green and white ones, would love to trade some.


Anonymous said...

How awesome Holly! Those plants came from my old garden!!!! I would love to see how your garden and my old garden look like someday. I bet it has grown dramtically.
I am starting fresh here with a totally different type of climate and soil, and plants so it is something new to get used to.
Take some photos and let me know how it looks. I am so happy God provided all kinds of new flowers for you, He knows what you like!