Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I am still here...the weather is getting nicer each day and seems to be calling me outdoors. As a result, I am at the computer less and less. The gardens are looking fine. They will look much better in a month when they have filled out more.

Both our children are visiting the Orthodontist these days. It would seems that they will both be wearing retainers or braces at the same time. I am trying to remain positive, so this is all I will say on this subject!! lol

Tirzah placed 2nd in the 1500 meter run, at her Trac and Field try outs last week. Tomorrow is the big event and she is sooooo hoping to place. Josiah just missed (he came 3rd) on the long jump event. At his School, only the top 2 get to go to the Meet. Bummer. He is
trying to be happy for his sister!

Shaun is playing soccer with some guys once a week. The kid's and I like to come too. There is a park near by and sometimes Josiah gets to play as well.

Tirzah has announced to us that she wants to get her very long hair cut----chin length. I will have to post before and after pics, if she decides to go through with it.

Happy Wednesday everyone!


Anonymous said...

Ahh yes! Dental bills are a killer!

I won't be blogging as much either, due to the sunshine. I am really enjoying my deck with flowers, no back yard for me..... its for our tenant.

Can't wait to see the pictures of Tirzah. I love my short hair!! She will too!

Jen said...

After my Sneezy Sunday, this beautiful weather has me a little nervous to go out and enjoy full force. I really need COMPLETE healing. So much better....but I don't want ANY bad days!

Maria is getting her very long hair cut Sat. Shoulder length though....she's waited forever, and I wanted mine done too; so we had to wait for an Ottawa trip. My personal hair dresser...Aunt Karen...will take good care of us!

Happy Wednesday to you too.

Amy said...

I, too, am still
Ofcourse, like the rest, with a home, and work, and a new baby making it harder to move every not to mention this BEAUTIFUL weather!!!!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE a good have been begging Hannah to get hers cut but she won't budge. The rule here is no crying when it's combed/washed and no sucking it...then it's up to her...if there is crying or sucking, off it comes!! ( I secretly wish for some crying..but none as of

Happy Friday to you...Muah!!