Monday, March 26, 2007

I planted some special "phlox" that is an annual (called Blue star Phlox) in January. I wasn't really supposed to start the seed until March. What can I say...I couldn't wait! I am glad that I didn't wait because now I have 2 little plants that are getting not so little and one is in full BLOOM! I will enjoy some colour indoors for a few months before I plant them outside.

I had the pleasure of joining Shaun and dropping off his paper work at the Art Guild, for the upcoming Art Show! I am really praying that this will open up new doors for him to continue on with his Art in new and higher levels.


Amy said...

my handy dandy notebook tells me that Phlox is one of the longest blooming perennials...Interesting. (I've become scholarly)

Shaun and Holly said...

Sorry to mess you up Amy! lol MOST Phlox are perennials (bloom every year), BUT this variety is only an it will die after this summer and if I really like it I will need to re-plant it each year. Bummer. But this one looked soooo pretty I thought it would be worth it to try growing it.

Amy said...

okay. so my book didn't mention that...give a gal a
You home tomorrow am? May stop by to drop off stuff while I'm on the side..momentarily as my list is LONG....

Shaun and Holly said...

Come see me! I will be home.