Thanks for all your great ideas and suggestions a few posts ago re. Christmas baking for hire. I am doing some Christmas baking for a friend and have finally decided on the treats I will be making as well as my pricing.
Too keep the prices to a minimum I have chosen to deliver the baking in zip lock freezer bags, so they can go straight into the clients freezer. When they want to serve the goodies, they can let them defrost and arrange their own plate of Christmas Yum!
I am making 7 different goodies and will be charging per dozen.
The 7 Goodies are:
- Ginger Sparkles
- Double Chocolate Cookies
- Short Bread Cookies
- Chocolate Oreo truffles
- Cherry Surprise
- Tiger Bars
- Lemon raspberry filled cookies
I don't mind sharing my recipes for all those who enjoy doing their own baking.~Just ask!
Can we place orders?
I'd like 2 dozen each of the Chocolate Oreo Truffles and the Cherry Surprise (are they the Cherry surprise balls, with the cherries rolled inside the ball?)
I will do my own baking, but maybe not quite as much as usual with work and the cruise, this would be a great start!
Yes!! ;o)
Both are $6. a dozen so you are looking at $24. for the 4 dozen.
Decide when do you want them and let me know. Both freeze nicely...
I forgot to say, yes you are right about the cherry surprises. Cherries covered with a butter, sugar, coconut mixture, rolled in graham cracker crumbs. They are Shaun's favorite!
Good for you Holly!
Hello Holly. All of your goodies sound so yummy. Would I be able to get the recipes for the Cherry Surprises and the Oreo Truffles?
Thanks in advance.
Yep!! I will post both those recipes soon!
Good for you Holly!
I do some baking for my boss around this season. I don't do alot (usually shortbreads and one or two other things). And since I like to cook, it's a bit of fun!
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